I do have answers though, and that is something to celebrate. Last week my mom came to visit and I went in for my EGD, which was an endoscopy of my upper digestive system. It was an interesting experience which included me being partly awake and gagging hardcore while the scope was taking a look around. The long and short of it is that I have gastritis, which is an inflammation of the lining of the stomach. There are also complicated terms about what's going on in my esophagus, but what you need to know is that it's being treated
I've had to cut out mondo amounts of good tasty things from my diet. I miss potato chips horribly, and as for my decade long love affair with Diet Pepsi, that is pretty much over. I'm not feeling better yet, but I'm hopeful, which is all I can be.
While Mom was here we did a lot of other fun things as well. Ryan and I celebrated our Seventh wedding anniversary on June 25th and Mom bought us our gift on her visit. It's a Sodastream that allows you to carbonate and flavor your own water at home. So far I am loving it. Pre-gastritis diagnosis I was drinking carbonated water with lemon juice. Now that citrus is off the menu we bought some water flavors without any sweeteners in them. VERY TASTY. I have plans to take pretty pictures of sparkling water and fruit, but probably not today.

I haven't been doing much on the creating and selling front, but I have some things planned for the fall as long as I start to heal and do not get any more sick. So even when I'm not creating I'm always thinking about what I'll be doing next, keep a look out!
Love you!
Had a great time....would have been a lot better if it hadn'g been close to 100 every day. Forgot to tell about the great place Loops that had such good things to eat and was soooo close to home. Got to love the "Grandview" section of Columbus and the city in general...can't wait to go back... :) :) :)
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