From what I understand from my readings, people with any kind of gluten intolerance can suffer other sensitivities because their system is damaged from the irritation. Diary is usually one of the first things that people become sensitive too. Because the cause and effect was noticeable when I ate dairy it wasn't a hard thing to give up, but I did miss ice cream and cheese quite a lot. I started drinking soy milk right away and I really enjoy unsweetened Silk, it has a great taste and some very essential nutrients. Since I have been completely gluten free and have no desire to ever go back to eating gluten I decided to try eating some ice cream. It's been so good, I appreciate it so much more after not being able to eat it for a year.
Today I walked to the Dairy Queen. It was such good incentive to get me out of the house and walking as I am suppose to be getting exercise. And I had been craving a hot fudge sundae so badly. So I got my fix and will be good for a couple more days. It's officially summer, and I've had my official summer sundae. :)